Sitting outside on a warm night to get some moments of peace. I catch a whiff of a flavorful aroma. Garlic, chili powder, and cayenne pepper. How is my nose able to be so discerning? Well it’s the exact seasonings I dosed my plants in to deter the terrorist squirrels in my neighborhood. I’m sitting here thinking- there’s a lesson in there somewhere. I had such a hard night mothering today. Everyday I plant seeds of kindness, mercy, love, patience, self-control, but just one thoughtless act, then in turn, one thoughtless reaction seems to ruin all the effort I’ve put in. While lecturing I lost my cool, took away a privilege and said, “I will not have mercy.” It was totally thoughtless and I doubt I really meant it. Just like what those thoughtless squirrels did to my carefully packed flowerbed, I dug up and scattered those carefully sown seeds. After my gracious husband took over the situation, I spent a long time reflecting over what happened. I reflected on what was said, how fru...
A space, a place, to collect my reflections and devotions.