Before last night, the highlight of my week was smelling the aroma of lily of the valley from my backyard. I had cut a few stems and brought them indoors to enjoy. These flowers are beautiful and diminutive with bowed heads and a powerful punch of a scent. As I stared at them, I was reminded that when we are bowed down to God in worship, we create a sweet aroma to God.
As I said, that was before last night. Last night our church had a Zoom "Ladies' Night". It was supposed to be a time of fun and enjoyment, but our leaders decided it would be best to change it into a time of prayer. I grew up being surrounded by prayerful people, but in my older years had left some of that atmosphere behind. I wasn't attending prayer meetings as much as I had done in my teens - mainly because of laziness and because it just didn't seem like I saw people doing it as much, so when I saw a special meeting for it, I would shy away. When our ladies night was turned into a prayer night over Zoom, I was a little hesitant, but still interested in participating. Now, I am so glad that I did and last night has become the highlight of my week. Now these diminutive flowers summon up a different image to my mind. They make me think of what happens when women come together to pray to God.
When you look at lily of the valley, at first you notice its beautiful aroma. Then, you see bunches of small, bowed down flowers amongst thick shiny green leaves. They are sweet to look at. However, did you know, that when left to thrive they intertwine their roots together and spread wildly? Pulling a few out to try and contain their spread will not control them - they will keep coming back as strong and as healthy as before. I've experienced this in my backyard as I've tried to cut down and control the spread of these flowers because they happen to be a very poisonous plant to animals and people. The only way to destroy them is to completely smother them.
My prayer experience reminds me of the lily of the valley. When women come together to pray, it creates a powerful movement in the spirit, a powerful aroma, and strengthens us! I felt the Holy Spirit moving with our prayers and could tell that we were creating a strong network with each other and moving the spiritual atmosphere. It definitely also moved some things in my heart too. I ended that Zoom meeting with the feeling of amazement at how wild and dangerous women can be to the power of the enemy when we choose to come together and connect with God through prayer. I am very happy for this experience! To all the women out there, let's not forsake the power of getting together, in any way that we can, to pray. It changes our perspectives to align it with God's, opens our hearts towards each other, and I believe, is a powerful punch to the enemy as God sees our unity, smells our sweet aroma, and moves mountains to answer our prayers.
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