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Crazy in Love!

Jesus did the craziest thing to show love- He died for us

And Who’s plan was it for Jesus to do that? God!

  • The God who we think is unreachable, unattainable, mad and tired of our unfaithfulness 

  • God knew it would take doing something crazy to bring us back to Him. God wants us. 

Don’t be fooled- God has always wanted us. It’s us who always find a way to push God away. 

  • Ex: Israelites wanting Moses to talk to God instead of facing God directly

  • Ex: Israelites wanting a king instead of a prophet

  • Us: whenever we rest on a prophet or minister to do the work of going to God for us, without us reaching to God directly.

  • Even with our broken track record, God is so patient and loving that He keeps making a way anyway. Bending to our need for Him by making a way to be in communion with Him. He did the crazy, to claim us for Him.

Now, reflect on Abraham and his beloved son, Isaac.

  • God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to prove his love for God

  • After seeing Abraham's heart, God stopped Abraham and gave him a lamb instead

  • The Old Testament has examples of God’s prophets telling people not to be like other religious groups who ritually practiced child sacrifice.

  • Yet here, God did what He detests and sacrificed Jesus. He did a crazy thing out of love for us.

Hear my heart on this. My point is not to say God is crazy, or that He has contradicted Himself in any way. My point is to press against the narrative that God is tired of us trying and failing, and trying and failing, to the point of being so fed up and no longer wanting me or you.

It is crazy to keep trusting someone who disappoints you.

It is crazy to keep loving someone who consistently fails to at least meet you halfway in their devotion to you. 

It’s crazy to hold out hope over years to see a change in the behavior of the one you love.

But that’s our God. He is crazy in love with You and me - His children.


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